What is restlessness?
Restlessness is when you just can’t chill out or sit still. It’s like feeling uneasy, impatient, and always needing to move or fidget. We all get antsy sometimes, but if it’s bugging you all day, it might be time to shake things up. Maybe it’s emotional, mental, or physical – like feeling the urge to move even when your body’s like, ‘Nah, I’m good.’ Could be you’re wired from too much caffeine, not enough sleep, medical conditions, mental disorders, side effects from medications, or just plain boredom. If you catch yourself pacing, can’t focus, or can’t sit still, you might be in Restless City. It’s a pain, especially when there’s stuff you wanna do but can’t get in the zone.
Ways to combat feelings of restlessness
Alright, so you’re feeling restless, huh? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Here are a few tricks to kick that restlessness to the curb – and no, running in circles isn’t one of them!
Take a Breather: No, really, take a moment to sit down, close your eyes, and just breathe. It’s like a mini escape for your brain.
Nap Time: If you’re not catching enough z’s at night, sneak in a power nap during the day. Who said napping is just for kids anyway? I love a nap!
Foot Rub: Yep, massaging your feet can actually help calm your nerves. The autonomic nervous system has two branches: the sympathetic, and the parasympathetic. The sympathetic branch is responsible for producing the ‘fight or flight’ response, while the parasympathetic branch is responsible for when you are at rest. Bonus points if you can reach that state of zen while doing it.
Stretch it Out: Embrace your inner yogi or tai chi master – stretch those limbs and make sure to hold the stretch for around 15-30 seconds so that it has time to relax you.
Meditation Magic: No need for a magic wand, just focus on your breath or count those inhales and exhales.Why not try: The breathing meditation: Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale. You can do this for as long as you need or for a set amount of time. The word or sound meditation: Concentrate on a specific word or sound, allowing your mind to center around it. This can be especially helpful when you have a lot on your mind and need to stay focused. The counting meditation: Count your breaths as you breathe in and out. This can effectively calm your mind by diverting your focus to the numbers, helping to alleviate distractions. It’s like a mental reset button.
Pen and Paper Power: When you’re feeling all fidgety and the words just won’t come, grab a notebook and let your hand take the wheel. Don’t overthink it – just let whatever pops into your head flow onto the page. It’s like a mind massage. You can even pen a love letter to yourself – remind you that you’re awesome, capable, and totally ready to take on whatever life throws your way.
Walk it Off: Feeling all revved up? Take a casual stroll or tackle those stairs like Rocky (just maybe without the theme music). Whether you’re outdoors or hitting the home stairs, walking can really help burn off that excess energy. And if you’re into it, low-impact exercises like cycling or swimming can also help chill you out. It’s not just about the exercise buzz – where you walk matters too. For me, a good hike or a beach walk does wonders for keeping things balanced.
Jam Session: Hey, music is like a magic potion for chilling out. It can pump you up, help you focus, or just take the edge off. The key is to pick tunes that speak to your soul and make you feel like a million bucks. What rocks my boat might not float yours, so find your jam and let it work its magic. Next time you’re feeling antsy, slap on some beats and let the good vibes roll!”
Chat it Up: When you’re feeling all wound up, it can be a game-changer to have a chat with someone. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, your pet, or a even professional, just shooting the breeze can do wonders for lifting the weight off your mind and maybe even shedding new light on stuff. Whether you need a sympathetic ear to unload on or just some easy-breezy banter to take your mind off things, reaching out can really hit the spot.
Get Crafty: The whole creative shebang forces your brain to think outside the box. Lots of folks find that getting crafty is a top-notch way to tackle anxiety and stress. Whether it’s doodling, painting, crafting, or getting hands-on with some DIY, diving into a creative project can help shift your focus onto something positive. Who knows, you might just discover your hidden talent for finger painting.
"The creative person finds himself in a state of turmoil, restlessness, emptiness, and unbearable frustration unless he expresses his inner life in some creative way."
Silvano Arieti Tweet
How to Break the Restless Cycle in 4 Steps
Breaking the restless cycle is all about putting an end to the loop that’s keeping you stuck. It’s not easy to break habits that have become deeply ingrained over time, but with dedication, motivation and focus, it can be done.
To break the restless cycle, it’s essential to first understand what’s causing you to stay stuck in your current situation. Once you’ve identified the root cause, you can begin working towards a solution.
Here are four steps to help you interrupt the restless cycle and start moving forward:
Identify Your Triggers
Pinpoint what triggers your restlessness. Are you feeling bored, lonely, tired, hungry, agitated, hormonal, or stressed? If you’re unsure, take note of when it occurs and look for any patterns in your life that coincide with this feeling. This will help you better understand it and find a personalised solution.
Create a Plan
Once you’ve identified your triggers, devise a plan to address each one. For example, do you need someone to talk to, more exercise, a new hobby, or just some alone time?
Take Action
Implement your plan and take small steps until they become habits that don’t require as much conscious effort. Starting small is okay, just keep the momentum going.
Reflect and Learn
Reflect on your progress, what worked, how you felt, any adjustments needed, and what you’ve learned from the experience.
If you need assistance in breaking the cycle, there are various apps that can help, such as Happify, Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer.
Note: If you often feel restless and can’t determine the cause, it’s important to seek medical advice.